Wed, Sep 20, 23.

Why Do Priests of the Law Wear Head Coverings?

If The New Testament Forbids Head Coverings for Men in Prayer and Prophecy, Why Do Priests of the Law Wear Head Coverings?

  1. Head covering is a part of the Priestley garment. It is required for the priesthood.
    1. Turban/Mitre for the high priest [Exo 28:3-4, 36-38; Lev 8:9; 16:4; Zec 3:1,5; 6:9-11].
    2. Cap/Bonnet for the priests [Exo 28:40; 29:9; 39:28; Lev 8:13].
  2. The priestly garment is for glory and beauty [Exo 28:2].
  3. The man is not to cover his head because he is the glory of God [1Co 11:7-9; Gen 1:26-28; 2:21-22].
  4. The woman is to cover hers because she's the glory of man [1Co 11:7-9; Gen 1:26-28; 2:21-22].
  5. Priests, not all men were commanded to cover their heads.
  6. Glory is a determiner of hierarchy.
  7. Therefore, in the hierarchy of the Law;
    1. The priests are first, with the high priest being their head.
    2. Men are next in the hierarchy.
    3. Women come after men in the hierarchy.

The Law Observes the Same Principle, But only Adds an Extra Layer Above it as it Will be at the First Resurraction.

  1. The garments gave the priests greater glory in addition to the glory they had by creation.
  2. The garments elevated priests above men who were already elevated above women.
  3. What the Law does in shadows is what the first resurrection will do in reality. Saints will become priests, getting new bodies (priestly garments) at the first resurrection, and will be elevated above all other men [Mat 6:25,28,31-33; 2Cor 5:1-5].
  4. Though men are naturally elevated over women at creation, the saints (men and women) who partake of the first resurrection, get new bodies.
  5. The natural man covering is head is equivalent to the priests covering their turban, and this is contrary to God's will, as He does not want men to cover their glory.
    1. The Priestly garment is for glory and for beauty [Exo 28:2]
    2. Therefore, the priests must not hide their glory and beauty.
    3. If the natural man – being the glory of God– covers his head, then he is covering his glory and beauty.
  6. Women are to cover their heads.
    1. Woman is man’s image, while man is God’s image.
    2. This means woman is also God’s image (although with slightly different characteristics)
    3. Women are to cover their heads (glory) as a way to show that although they are also God’s glory, they are only so through [because of] man.
    4. They are to cover their head to show that though they are also in God’s image, they are under man.
  7. Until the time of the new order, natural man represents Christ and God on earth and is not to cover his head in the presence of God [Heb 9:10; Rev 21:5].
  8. Those who ask contentious questions on this matter are as the Sadducees who wanted to mock the doctrine of the resurrection by giving the example of a hypothetical woman who was married to multiple men who died. They did not believe in the resurrection, but were looking for a reason to rebel against the doctrine. If they could show that the doctrine promoted adultery/polyandry in the kingdom, then they could dismiss it as obviously illogical.